Do you fall victim to self-focus too often? Read on to learn about the Signs of a Self-Centered Spouse to see if you’re leaning in this direction.
- You see yourself as better than others.
Are you always preoccupied by your self-image, appearance and your opinion that you just see yourself walking on raised grounds away from others? Do you frequently feel others should see you as special? Is your vocabulary concentrated with ‘I’, ‘Me’, ‘My’ and any other form of possessive pronoun you can think of?
As a spouse of an egocentric person, your requirement is to praise and adore this person, since you will never be on equal footing with him or her. Egocentric people have a superiority air about them and often relegate others, especially their spouse. And no matter how much you try to please them, it’s never enough and they show resentment.
- You can make anything and everything about you.
Self-centered people think the world revolves around them and that their own challenges are the only ones that matter.
Do you view your spouse’s pain by looking at how it impacts you? Your husband has to work more hours and your first thought is how it affects your personal schedule, instead of how stressed he’s been the past few days in order to meet up with the bills. Your wife’s relatives are coming for a weekend visit and your immediate reaction is how it impacts your finances rather than whether it’s a source of joy or stress for your wife. You just aren’t interested in how others feel, you don’t want to be bothered with their emotional needs.
- You set a lot of rules. (You want what you want, no matter what)
If you don’t feel the need to consider the needs of your spouse, you might be a self-centered spouse. Do you have high expectations of others and you judge very quickly if they fall short of your expectations? Do you constantly make rules that your spouse needs to follow so you can feel more in control?
This is the time we can receive guests. This is the time we can go out. This is how I love to do my things. These rules are usually irrelevant and definitely one-sided.
As a Relationship Expert, I can help you start the ball rolling in moving your relationship to a happier path.
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